1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle
2. Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Inglewood, Venice and Hollywood are adjacent
3. 1966
4. North American Datum of 1927 and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5. 1:24,000
a) 5cm on the map= 1,200 meters on the ground (5x24,000=120,000cm/100=1,200meters)
b) 5in. on the map= 1.89 miles on the ground
c) 1 mile on the ground= 2.64 inches on the map
d) 3 km on the ground= 1.25cm on the map
7. Contour interval of 20ft.
a)Public Affairs Building UCLA= 34.440N, 118.265W
b) Tip of Santa Monica Pier= 34.0004N, 118.2999W
c) Upper Franklin Reservoir 34.071N, 118.2437W
a) Greystone Mansion elevation: 640ft. (195.07 meters)
b) Woodlawn Cemetery elevation: 140ft. (42.67 meters)
c) Crestwood Hills park elevation: 680ft. (207.26 meters)
10) UTM 11
11) 3,763,000N 362,000E
12) 1km2
13) The elevation gradually increases further inland and more intensely increases as we move up the mountains. This is an elevation profile moving from the beach in Santa Monica and northing 377100 along the UTM.
14. magnetic declination: 12° 44' E changing by 0° 5' W/year
15. The water between the 405 freeway and the Stone Canyon Reservoir runs southwest shown by the bends in the map being upstream and pointing North.