Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lab #3

View Must See in SB in a larger map

This is a locals guide to Santa Barbara, CA. Enjoy

Neogeography is the new form of spatial thinking for society today. It gives basic tools for anyone to make a personalized map for anything they would like. It also gives greater access to detailed maps, including satellite images and overlays. This new era of geographic technology has more benefits than dangers however privacy is a major concern.

Neogeography tools, such as google maps, let's people find detailed directions to places they've never been, but intrudes in basic privacies. Many people are concerned that their privacy is being invaded through these new technologies. Some would even say that it makes national security less safe from terrorists. That is why companies who harbor these mapping tools have an immense responsibility to protect interoperable communication sites crucial to nation security in all countries, as well as keeping as much personal information (except for features and entities) private. Can we trust these companies? That is something the public has a hard time believing which is why neogeography can be citicized.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lab #2

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle

2. Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Inglewood, Venice and Hollywood are adjacent

3. 1966

4. North American Datum of 1927 and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929

5. 1:24,000


a) 5cm on the map= 1,200 meters on the ground (5x24,000=120,000cm/100=1,200meters)

b) 5in. on the map= 1.89 miles on the ground

c) 1 mile on the ground= 2.64 inches on the map

d) 3 km on the ground= 1.25cm on the map

7. Contour interval of 20ft.


a)Public Affairs Building UCLA= 34.440N, 118.265W

b) Tip of Santa Monica Pier= 34.0004N, 118.2999W

c) Upper Franklin Reservoir 34.071N, 118.2437W


a) Greystone Mansion elevation: 640ft. (195.07 meters)

b) Woodlawn Cemetery elevation: 140ft. (42.67 meters)

c) Crestwood Hills park elevation: 680ft. (207.26 meters)

10) UTM 11

11) 3,763,000N 362,000E

12) 1km2

13) The elevation gradually increases further inland and more intensely increases as we move up the mountains. This is an elevation profile moving from the beach in Santa Monica and northing 377100 along the UTM.
14. magnetic declination: 12° 44' E changing by 0° 5' W/year
15. The water between the 405 freeway and the Stone Canyon Reservoir runs southwest shown by the bends in the map being upstream and pointing North.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Map #3

Image courtesy of http://www.fao.org/ag/agl/agll/wrb/wrbmaps/htm/soilres.htm
This Map is of the types of soils found around the world. There are many orders of soils, as seen in different colors on the map, and I find them very interesting. Each soil depends on a number of physical and chemical conditions. In California, the combination of good weather and topographic features account for prime agricultural production, the best in the country! I find it intriguing that different chemical and physical properties in soil are so important in the growth of almost all of the resources we use everyday.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Map #2

Map courtesy of http://www.stykk.is/comenius/italy.html
This is a map of the old provinces of Italy. I studied abroad there in 2007 and one of the most interesting aspects of traveling through the country is the difference in culture from one region to the next. I stayed in Florence and Rome, and traveled to Venice, Bologna and Naples. There is a distinct history and culture for each province that can be seen through art, architecture and food. For example, Venice serves lots of seafood dishes, Bologna is known for how rich and creamy their food is, and Naples is where pizza originated. Italians still view the the country divided in this way. It was only in the 19th century that Italy was united as one country, which is called "il risorgimento." Italy's unique culture is so rich throughout every part of the country. I can't wait to go back.